Tag: 2024

2024 – Water Safety lessons

This week our class got excited for their Water Safety lessons held at Glen Innes Pools. Rm 9 had just over 70% of our class attend the swimminglessons. The rest of the 30% of the class had medical reasons for their non-participation.

We covered aspects of basic awareness of how to minimize risks in different water situation, getting in & out multiple ways, getting under the water and picking up objects. Our class favourite was on day 4, using lifejackets for floating and signalling for help.

Learning these skills, will help them to be smart in the water as well as be better swimmers! Well done Rm 9. A huge thank you to Miss Va’afusuaga, our sponsors, swimming tutors and Glen Innes Pools for making this happen!

Prefect Korero – TLTS (to lead, to serve)

This week, our Prefects shared a korero that was inspired from their Year 8 Camp “TLTS – to lead to serve”. What it looked like in their context was ‘do the right thing, showing initiative in class, helping others out etc. This resonated with me as there is a Samoan proverb, “O le ala ile pule o le tautua”, which means the pathway to leadership is through service.

I often think of our learners, as future leaders – how they serve within their community/spaces, will reflect in how they will navigate in their learning. From this, check out how our learners interpreted this weeks Korero.




Term 2 Inquiry ‘Transformers’.

This term our school’s inquiry is ‘Transformers”.  We will be focussing on different aspects of performing arts, more specifically drama, but we will look into music and dance as well. It is going to be a fun term of learning for us. It is also an opportunity for us to continue on with our MITEY learning – talking about how we can use drama to express ourselves and our emotions.

Get ready for a creative and art-filled term! Click this link here to see some images of our Immersion Assembly from Day 1, Term 2.