Year: 2023

Duffy Books in Home

The Duffy Books in Homes program has been a part of Pt England School for many years. We are grateful to our sponsors for providing all of our students with several books each term.

We recently had a Duffy Theatre performance about “Duffy having space.” It was a lot of fun, and our students were really engaged.

Our students also try to write book reviews of the books they read. We are grateful to our sponsors for making this program possible, especially as books are becoming more expensive.

I wonder if they have ‘Duffy having space’ in written form?  I wonder what the sequel would be?


Prefect Korero – Stay cool at School

Today’s prefect korero is ‘Stay cool at school’.  To help us to stay cool – during morning tea and lunch, we keep our hats on, stay hydrated (drinking water through out the day), hygiene – keeping our hands sanitise and keep our jumper and jackets off and placed inside our bags.

Check out some of our class posters by Khai Shwe, Diana Grace, Eziaz, Hinerangi & AJ.  Please leave a positive comment on their blogs.  Nga mihi nui.

Welcome to 2023!

Welcome back to 2023!

Not a good start to the school year with Auckland’s unexpected flooding (Hope everyone’s been keeping safe). However I hope you’ve all had a wonderful break and ready to get back into learning, growth, ownership and creating positive memories for 2023.

With the remembrance of Waitangi Day today, I have been looking forward to returning back to our classroom, no longer with covid-restrictions but with a refreshed lens to reinforce the 3P’s – Pātuitanga (partnership), Te whakamarumarutanga (protection) and Te whaiwāhitanga (participation) to empower our learners with mana (power).

“Keep it Real” is our PES yearly theme.  It encompasses ‘tika (fairness), pono (integrity) and aroha (compassion) with all three of these intertwined to create a school culture of support, caring and understanding (Cavanagh 2004).

With our ‘keep it real’ focus, we looking forward to seeing our learners grow confidently into their identity, taonga (treasures/resources), tikanga (customs),  and  rangatiratanga (self-deteremination) building with 21st Century skills ie:  critical thinking, creative, collaboration and communication.

I wonder what our learners will bring to our class?  I wonder if they’re ready?  Will keep you all posted.

Nga mihi nui



Cavanagh, T (2004).  Criminalising our schools:  Effects on caring and nurturing teachers.  School of Education, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.