Day: March 24, 2023

Term 1 School Picnic

This week, we’ve been practicing for our Fiafia Cultural night, but the weather has been so beautiful that we’ve been able to head to Pt England Reserve to enjoy the sunshine and water.

When we arrived at the reserve, we saw that the Weetbix Triathlon was being set up for their event on Sunday. They were kind enough to let us use their marquee for our Team 4. Hooray!

The weather was scorching, so we made sure to wear plenty of sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and find some shade. This year, Mr. Jacobsen organised for us to have bikes, which the cyclists rode down to Panmure Yacht and back. We even had a coffee truck!

Our students played volleyball, soccer, touch football, and even slid down the cliff. The highlight of the picnic was a treat from Meki’s mum: the best Tongan Otai fruit drink ever!

Our students had a blast at the picnic. What’s your favourite thing to do at school picnics?