Term 3 – PENN ‘Fit for purpose’

As part of our “fit for purpose” inquiry, we explored ways to prepare for Cross Country and stay active. We enrolled in the Zespri Virtual Adventure program, which provided us with pedometers. We then entered our daily step counts.

To stay active, we participated in daily brain breaks, which included sprinting twice on the basketball court, cross-country training with Team 4, and Kiwi sports. We also took our pedometers home to see how many steps we could take each day. Even Mrs. Siō had a goal of reaching 10,000 steps per day.

With the Virtual Adventure program, we also entered our food intake and water breaks (we did not include our data for this).

By staying hydrated more frequently, collaborated more as a class to come up with more “plays” for our brain breaks, and even tried to create new brain break ideas; We were more settled when we returned to class after our brain breaks.

We hope to continue this more consistently until the end of the year!

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